Mindful Offerings

When you arrive at Hands On Mind & Body Wellness Center, the focus is on you and your needs and goals for your visit. Karen’s intention with each and every client is for them to be seen, heard, and honored.

With an emphasis on human to human connection, the services offered at our center provide a wide breadth of choices to support what is right for you in the present moment. We are here to guide your journey as you find your way back to yourself, reconnect with your joy, and recommit to your self care. Hands On approaches the delivery of all our services in an open and flexible way to accommodate the ever-changing nature of our world. Sessions may be held at Hands On or various local off-site locations. We will collaboratively design sessions for massage therapy, psychotherapy, or yoga that fit your needs and prioritize your health, safety, and well being.

Benefits & Pricing

therapeutic massage


psychological counseling



Email or call Karen to discuss her mindful offerings
or to schedule an appointment.
